Discount hearing Services
Delta Dental Of Idaho

Hearing discounts provided by Amplifon

Delta Dental of Idaho has partnered with Amplifon Hearing Health Care to provide our members with discounts on hearing services. The program includes discounts on hearing aids and related services, hearing tests, virtual screenings, personalized coaching, 60-day trial period, access to the industry’s top brands, a nationwide provider network, and more. Call 888-601-8593 and an Amplifon patient care advocate will assist you in finding a hearing healthcare provider near you.

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Take control of your hearing health today!

Introducing a new hearing discount option from Amplifon Hearing Health Care

— Frequent Questions —

Amplifon Discount Hearing Services

Excessive noise exposure is the leading cause of hearing loss in the United States. Ototoxic drugs such as NSAIDS, antibiotics, diuretics, some cardiac medicine and more can cause hearing loss as well. Illnesses and diseases such as Meningitis, Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Alzheimer's can also cause hearing loss. Lifestyle factors can head to higher risk of hearing loss, such as obesity, birth defects, head injuries, family history, smoking, and more.

Wear hearing protection and limit the time you're exposed to noise. Turn down the volume - keep music and TV volume at 50% or less. Maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes which contribute to hearing loss. Avoid ototoxic medications - talk to your healthcare professional when drugs are prescribed.

Hearing loss affects people of all ages, but is generally most prevalent starting at the age of 65+.

Hearing loss can come on gradually. You may not even notice it's happening. As a rule of thumb, if your hearing test reports your hearing is OK, stick to once every 3 to 5 years. You should test your hearing annually if you are 55 or older or are experiencing any of the following: consistent exposure to loud noise, difficulty understanding in noisy environments or in groups, hearing mumbling or feeling as though people are not speaking clearly, and if you have ringing in your ears.

Even mild hearing loss can negatively affect key areas of your life including: mental health, physical health, and income. Additionally, untreated hearing loss is usually more noticeable to other people than the actual hearing aids.

Hearing aids and the technology behind them have advanced considerably! They have bluetooth capabilities, automatic volume control, and can help reduce background noise to make sounds more clear. Did you know that 95% of people with hearing loss can be successfully treated with hearing aids?

There is no one right brand, everyone is different. Amplifon, however, does offer discounts on the top 10 hearing aid brands. Each brand has different level of technology for varying types of hearing loss. A hearing care professional can help you determine which option is right for you.

That's OK! If you buy from Amplifon, you receive a 1-year of free follow up care to ensure the device can be adjusted to meet your needs. If adjustments are not working for you, Amplifon has a 60-day risk-free trial-period with a full refund (no hidden restocking or return fees). Amplifon offers thousands of different products, the right one is out there waiting for you.

Accessing your discount is as easy as 1-2-3! Simply follow these steps:

  1. Call Amplifon at 1-866-921-3974 and a Patient Care Advocate will assist you in finding a hearing care provider near you.
  2. An advocate will explain the Amplifon process and help you schedule an appointment.
  3. Amplifon will send your information to you and your hearing care provider to ensure your discounts are activated.